Successful asbestos ligation requires an attorney who understands the many facets of the case, from how people get exposed to asbestos to the state-by-state regulations about filing lawsuits, to the fragile nature of many clients. Often, people who inquire about an asbestos-related claim are people who are also coping with mesothelioma cancer and all the health issues that go along with treatment.
Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers
As one of the nation’s leading mesothelioma law firms, Simmons Hanly Conroy has a proven track record. Every mesothelioma lawyer at the Firm is committed to helping families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases.
Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers
Our mesothelioma attorneys have been working with peoplediagnosed with mesothelioma since 1999, and in that time our mesothelioma lawyers have represented thousands of individuals from all areas of the United States.
Our mesothelioma lawyers have seen firsthand the pain amesothelioma diagnosis can cause and are passionate about helping victims and families affected by mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers
At the Firm, each mesothelioma lawyer focuses on providing clients with the personal attention they deserve. If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, our mesothelioma attorneys will travel to you, no matter your location.
Asbestos mining began more than 4,000 years ago, but did not start large-scale until the end of the 19th century when manufacturers and builders used asbestos because of its desirable physical properties: sound absorption, average tensile strength, its resistance to fire, heat, electrical and chemical damage, and affordability. It was used in such applications as electrical insulation for hotplate wiring and in building insulation. When asbestos is used for its resistance to fire or heat, the fibers are often mixed with cement or woven into fabric or mats. These desirable properties made asbestos a very widely used material, and its use continued to grow throughout most of the 20th century until the carcinogenic effects of asbestos dust caused its effective demise as a mainstream construction and fireproofing material in most countries. However around 2 million tons of Asbestos are still mined per year as of 2009, mainly in Russia (50%), China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Canada (9% to 14% each).
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